The Gymnastics Physio

With over 10 years Experience in the Sport


Physiotherapy for gymnasts and their Families

  • Sports and Rehab

    Evidence Based Injury Prevention, Management and Education for gymnasts and families

  • Paediatrics

    Concerned about your child’s movement and motor skills?

    We can help

  • Disability

    NDIS funded assessment, treatment and reccomendation for plan and self managed participants.

Physiotherapy Articles & Links


Evidence based practice is the conjunction of what the science says, with who the person is.

The Efficacy of Bracing Painful Wrists in Gymnasts 8-22 years whilst they are Performing Gymnastic Activities

This dissertation is based on 3 Studies and a Case study, and examines the efficacy of wrist braces that gymnasts commonly wear,as well as attempting to design a better brace. Some of the boys at ACGCI were actually participants in this study back in 2017!
They found that wrist bracing is commonly and effectively used to reduce pain at the wrist in activities such as pommel and floor, which is a common complaint among gymnasts. In attempting to provide support under the hand, they found that they were able to improve signs of pain, but that by doing so they were slippery and not helpful on apparatus such as pommel.

The article talks about a specific condition called “Gymnast’s Wrist” which affects a proportion of gymnasts and is caused by the large amount of load we put through our wrists compared to the general population. This condition affects children in pre-adoloscence and adolescence (around 8-17 yrs old, with females being affected earlier than males), and can affect the growth of the bones in the arm if left unchecked.

If your gymnast is experiencing wrist pain before, during or after training, get in contact to book an assessment.

Full Article Available: Here

Five facts about… physiotherapy and autism spectrum disorder

Well researched article from the Australian Physiotherapy Association gives some interesting insight into the benefits of physiotherapy for children with autism.
The facts:

  1. Movement difficulties are highly prevalent in children with ASD

  2. Physical activity is lower in children with ASD and interventions are effective

  3. Physiotherapists identify movement disorders prior to ASD diagnosis

  4. Physiotherapy improves motor outcomes in children with ASD

  5. Physiotherapy can improve sports participation and activity goals

Treating Children with ASD and other neurodivergencies such as ADHD, ADD, Sensory Processing Disorder and other behavioural disorders is a specific interest area of mine.

If you are concerned about your child movement or developmentand they have any of these conditions, book in for an assessment. This can also be used for NDIS funding and assessment purposes.

Full Article Available: Here