Sports and Rehabilitation
While we all try to be as safe and careful as possible, injuries just happen in sport. And Gymnastics is no exception. When injuries happen, it is important that we have the right knowledge and support to get better quickly and stay better. Carter Blair Physiotherapy can combine both the Physio knowledge and the Gymnastics knowledge to do so.
In Club Physiotherapy Sessions
Carter Blair Physiotherapy can provide Physiotherapy session in the gymnastics club! With any new episode of injury, all members of participating clubs receive a FREE initial assessment (15mins), which includes a thorough assessment of your pain/issue, a diagnosis, and a brief treatment plan.
Subsequent therapy sessions can then be provided at the club for your convienience! These can align with training session times (where possible), or other times when conveinient for you. These sessions include hands on treatment, exercise prescription and supervision, education for the client, their family, and their coach.
Pricing for Non Albany Creek Gymnastics Club Members:
45 minute initial sessions: (includes 15 minute free initial assessment): $110
30 minute subsequent sessions: $110
Pricing For Albany Creek Gymnastics Club Members*:
45 minute initial sessions: (includes 15 minute free initial assessment): $55
30 minute subsequent sessions: $55
InJury Prevention Programs
Targetted and specific injury prevention programs have been shown to be effective in reducing injury rates in sporting populations. Carter Blair physiotherapy can provide these planning, education and reccomendation for Programs, Squad/Team groups, and individual gymnasts as required.
This process is different for each program, as needs necessitate, but begins with an overview of the history of injuries, goal setting for the program, and logistical information gathering. The gymnasts are then screened for current injuries, past injuries and other factors that may increase risk of injury, which is used to inform the specific plan. Regular reviews are then completed to update these plans as needed. These plans are written in consultation with the coaching team, gymnasts and family.
Pricing For Non Albany Creek Gymnastics Club Members: $120/hr
Pricing For Albany Creek Gymnastics Club Members*: $60/hr
Education Sessions
Education is the key to self managing and preventing injury. Carter Blair Physiotherapy can provide information sessions to clubs, coaching teams, families and Gymnasts. These sessions can be in a presentation, Q&A or mixed format. Session topics could include: Injury Prevention; When should I be referring?; How much is too much loading?; Developmental Milestones and many more.
(*Please note: a 50% discount has been applied for club members. Non-club members will not receive this benefit. Club members include the gymnasts and their immediate families)
Disability physiotherapy
Assessment, therapy and reccomendation:
Carter Blair Physiotherapy can provide assessment, regular therapy, and reccomendation to people living with disabilities with the goal of improving their movement skills. This can involve working on goals such as balance, walking, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, tone, and the assessment and reccomendation of assistive technology (such as wheelchairs and standing frames). Carter Blair Physiotherapy can help to treat children and adults who have been diagnosed conditions such as: ADHD, ADD, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome/Other hypermobility Syndromes, Noonan syndrome, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Aquired/Traumatic Brain Injury, Global Development Delay, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida and many other conditions.
NDIS Funded Physiotherapy:
Carter Blair Physiotherapy can provide NDIS funded supports to NDIS participants who are Self Managed, or Plan Managed. This can include: regular goal based therapy and assessment, assessment of current physical assistance needs, reccomendation of supports for NDIS plans, , home exercise programs, hydrotherapy.
NDIS Funded therapy sessions are generally 60 minutes long. They are funded from your Capacity Building (CB) Budget of your NDIS plan.
NDIS Funded Therapy Supports are billed at a rate of $150 per hour.
*Due to NDIS/NDIA rules, Carter Blair Physiotherapy cannot currently provide supports to participants whose plans are managed by the NDIA.
NDIS Funded supports cannot receive the Club Member Discount
People living with disabilities can have difficulties moving the way they want to. Physiotherapy can help people achieve their movement and mobility goals, with the ultimate target of improved function, independence and self confidence.
A child’s growth and development are wonderful things to watch, track and celebrate. However, sometimes kids just aren’t keeping up with their peers. If you are concerned that your child is not moving typically or developing as quickly as those around them, book in for an assessment of your childs physical development.
Developmental Assessments: Carter Blair Physiotherapy is able to provide an in depth Developmental assessment of your child’s Neuro-Sensori-Motor develppment and systems. This includes assessment of their Gross Motor skills (crawling, walking, running, ball skills), Fine Motor, Balance, Core strength, Sensory systems.
Musculoskeletal/ Orthopaedic Conditions: Carter Blair Physiotherapy can also provide assessment and treatment of common orthopaedic conditions that affect kids such as: a head tilt in infants (torticolis), flat spot or abnormal head shape in infants (plagieocephaly), Toe walking, Hypermobility/ flexibility, Scoliosis and Growing pains (such as Sever’s or Osgood Schlatters Diseases).
All Paediatric assessments consist of a 1-1.5 hour in person assessment and you receive a full report with findings and reccomendations for your child. These reports can be used in conjunction with other evidence for applications for funding (NDIS, Better Start, etc). This totals about 3 hours of therapist time including the assessment and report writing.
Total cost: $360
Carter Blair Physiotherapy provides evidence based and effective treatments for many conditions. The therapy provided is specialised and personalised to the child, and their needs, wants and interests. This is done with a combination of play based therapies, hands on treatment, and exercise interventions in order to have your child achieve the absolute best possible.
Education is the key to success when it comes to therapy. A major focus of therapy with us is education for the family and the child, in language each person can understand, take on board and utilise in their daily lives.